Commercial fishing is the second oldest occupation in the world. You can venture a guess as to what was the first. I, along with my ancestors and my family, have been commercial fishermen since the middle of the 1600s. LABLANCE FISH TALES TWO is about one hardy family who has lived the life of commercial fishing. This is no 9-5. On the fish tugs, you never know what you will encounter or when you will return home. Countless Great Lakes commercial fishermen have never made it back to their dock. But when you do make it back to the dock, your day is not over. This book gives you insight into everything that it takes to be a commercial fisherman. Early mornings and late evenings, the work of fishermen is never done. My dad built the business on pure guts and the will to be the best and provide for his family. But once he put his mind to it and worked hard, nothing could stop him. Until the DNR and MNR started to interfere. The family fought tooth and nail to keep it by the book and do everything right, resulting in a profitable business. The fish tales in this book are further proof of a family determined to succeed. Commercial fishing is a hard and deadly occupation, and it’s not for the faint of heart. You have to bring your “A-Game”.
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